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The Alert component in Pearl UI is a versatile and customizable element used to display a short, important message in a way that attracts the user's attention without interrupting the user's task.


import { Alert } from "pearl-ui";


<Alert  title="Alert Title"  description="This is the description of the alert."/>

Alert Variants#

The variant prop allows you to specify the type of the alert. It can be one of the following: success, info, warning, danger.

<Alert  variant="success"  title="Operation Successful"  description="Your changes have been successfully saved."/>
<Alert  variant="info"  title="Note"  description="Your password will expire in 3 days."/>
<Alert  variant="warning"  title="Caution"  description="Your account will be locked after 5 more unsuccessful attempts."/>
<Alert  variant="danger"  title="Uh oh!"  description="Unable to connect to the server. Please check your internet connection."/>

Alert with Close Button#

The withCloseButton prop allows you to display a close button in the alert. The onClose prop allows you to specify a function that will be called when the close button is clicked.

<Alert  withCloseButton  onClose={() => {    console.log("Alert closed");  }}  title="Operation Successful"  description="Your changes have been successfully saved."/>

Alert Composition#

The Alert component can be composed with other props to customize its appearance and behavior.

<Alert  py={4}  spacing="3"  direction="vertical"  atoms={{    stack: {      alignItems: "center",      justifyContent: "center",    },    description: {      textAlign: "center",    },  }}  title="Operation Successful"  description="Your changes have been successfully saved."/>



  • Alert has the role of alert.
  • When the Alert is displayed, it attracts the user's attention without interrupting the user's task.

Alert Component Properties#

Supported Style Properties#

The Alert component is a composition of the Stack component. Therefore, all properties related to the Stack component can be passed to the Alert component, in addition to the properties listed below.

Additional Properties#

Property NameRequiredData TypeDefaultDescription
sizeNoPearlTheme.components.Alert["sizes"]Determines the size of the alert.
variantNoPearlTheme.components.Alert["variants"]"success"Determines the variant of the alert.
iconNoReact.ReactElementCustom icon that overrides the default icon in the alert.
withIconNobooleantrueBoolean flag to indicate if the alert should be displayed with an icon.
titleNostringTitle text for the alert.
descriptionNostringDescription text for the alert.
withCloseButtonNobooleanfalseBoolean flag to indicate if the alert should be displayed with a close button.
onCloseNo() => voidFunction to be called when the close button is clicked.