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Pearl UI is primarily designed for React Native projects that utilize Expo's managed workflow.

To install Pearl UI in your React Native/Expo project directory, execute one of the following commands:

npm install pearl-ui

Add the reanimated plugin in the babel configuration#

To add the reanimated plugin, modify your babel.config.js file as follows:

module.exports = function (api) {  api.cache(true);  return {    presets: ["babel-preset-expo"],    plugins: ["react-native-reanimated/plugin"],  };};

Setting up Pearl UI#


For optimal performance, we recommend using the "hermes" JavaScript engine. You may encounter issues with the "jsc" engine.

To get started with Pearl UI, you need to set up the theme provider and load the required fonts. This guide will walk you through the process.

Setting up the Theme Provider#

Pearl UI requires you to wrap your application with the ThemeProvider component. This component is provided by the library and ensures that all Pearl UI components have access to the theme.

To set up the ThemeProvider, navigate to the root of your app and modify your main component as follows:

import * as React from 'react';
// Import the ThemeProvider componentimport { ThemeProvider } from 'pearl-ui'
const App = () => {  return (    // Wrap your app components with the ThemeProvider    <ThemeProvider>        // {... other components go here}    </ThemeProvider>  );}

ThemeProvider Props#

The ThemeProvider component accepts the following props:

initialColorModeNo"light" | "dark" | "system""light"Sets the initial color mode for the app.
themeNoPearlThemebaseThemeSpecifies the theme configuration object.
haveFontsLoadedNobooleantrueIndicates whether the custom fonts have loaded.

Loading Fonts#

Pearl UI allows you to load any font family into your app. This guide will demonstrate how to do this using the Poppins font family, which is used in the default theme. To include this font family in your app, you need to install the @expo/google-fonts package and load the fonts.

First, install the necessary packages by running the following command:

expo install @expo-google-fonts/poppins expo-font

Next, load the fonts in your main component as follows:

// Import the useFonts hook and the default fonts usedimport {  useFonts,  Poppins_300Light,  Poppins_400Regular,  Poppins_500Medium,  Poppins_600SemiBold,  Poppins_700Bold,  Poppins_800ExtraBold,  Poppins_300Light_Italic,  Poppins_700Bold_Italic,  Poppins_200ExtraLight,  Poppins_100Thin_Italic,  Poppins_100Thin,  Poppins_400Regular_Italic,  Poppins_500Medium_Italic,  Poppins_600SemiBold_Italic,  Poppins_800ExtraBold_Italic,  Poppins_900Black,  Poppins_900Black_Italic,  Poppins_200ExtraLight_Italic,} from "@expo-google-fonts/poppins";
const App = () => {  // Load the fonts using the hook and get the loading flag  const [haveFontsLoaded] = useFonts({    "Poppins-Hairline": Poppins_100Thin,    "Poppins-HairlineItalic": Poppins_100Thin_Italic,    "Poppins-Thin": Poppins_200ExtraLight,    "Poppins-ThinItalic": Poppins_200ExtraLight_Italic,    "Poppins-Light": Poppins_300Light,    "Poppins-LightItalic": Poppins_300Light_Italic,    "Poppins-Regular": Poppins_400Regular,    "Poppins-RegularItalic": Poppins_400Regular_Italic,    "Poppins-Medium": Poppins_500Medium,    "Poppins-MediumItalic": Poppins_500Medium_Italic,    "Poppins-SemiBold": Poppins_600SemiBold,    "Poppins-SemiBoldItalic": Poppins_600SemiBold_Italic,    "Poppins-Bold": Poppins_700Bold,    "Poppins-BoldItalic": Poppins_700Bold_Italic,    "Poppins-ExtraBold": Poppins_800ExtraBold,    "Poppins-ExtraBoldItalic": Poppins_800ExtraBold_Italic,    "Poppins-Black": Poppins_900Black,    "Poppins-BlackItalic": Poppins_900Black_Italic,  });
  return (    // Pass the loading flag into the provider    <ThemeProvider haveFontsLoaded={haveFontsLoaded}>        // {... other components go here}    </ThemeProvider>  );}

The ThemeProvider component optionally accepts a haveFontsLoaded prop. This prop ensures that your app only renders after all the fonts have loaded, preventing any flash of unstyled text (FOUT).

Congratulations! You have successfully set up Pearl UI in your application. You can now start using the components provided by the library.