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The useCheckedState hook is a powerful utility in Pearl UI that not only manages a checked state but also transforms the _checked props into appropriate styles. This hook is instrumental in creating dynamic, responsive components that react to check events with custom styles.


import { useCheckedState } from "pearl-ui";

Return value#

The useCheckedState hook returns an object with three properties:

  • checked: A boolean representing the current checked state. This is a local state which is useful in case the parentStateValue is not provided.
  • setChecked: A function that can be used to set the checked state. This function updates the local state.
  • propsWithCheckedStyles: The props object of the component with updated styles according to the current 'checked' state. This is achieved by using the useDynamicStateStyle hook internally, which manages a dynamic state and composes extra styling while a component is in a certain state.


Here's an example of how you can use useCheckedState to manage a checked state and compose extra styling while a checkbox is checked:

import { useCheckedState } from "pearl-ui";import { useState } from "react";
const Checkbox = ({ isChecked, ...props }) => {  // Use the hook to transform the props based on the checked state  const { checked, setChecked, propsWithCheckedStyles } = useCheckedState(    props,    allStyleFunctions,    "basic",    false,    isChecked  );
  // Render the checkbox with the transformed props  return <input type="checkbox" {...propsWithCheckedStyles} />;};
const App = () => {  // Use a state variable to manage the checked state  const [isChecked, setIsChecked] = useState(false);
  // Render the Checkbox and a toggle button to change the checked state  return (    <div>      <Checkbox        isChecked={isChecked}        // Specify the styling of the component when the isChecked value is true        _checked={{ backgroundColor: "blue", color: "white" }}      />      <button onClick={() => setIsChecked(!isChecked)}>        Toggle Checked State      </button>    </div>  );};

In the provided example, the useCheckedState hook is utilized within a Checkbox component. The purpose of this hook is to dynamically alter the checkbox's background and text colors in response to changes in the isChecked prop. Specifically, when isChecked is set to true, the checkbox's background color transitions to blue, and the text color changes to white.


propsYesobjectThe props of the component.
styleFunctionsNoArray of Style FunctionsboxStyleFunctionsThe style functions to use.
activeComponentTypeNo"basic" |"atom" |"molecule""basic"The active component type.
animateableNobooleantrueWhether the component is animateable.
parentStateValueNobooleanundefinedA override value to control the 'checked' state instead of the local state value.