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The useColorScheme hook is a powerful tool in Pearl UI that allows you to transform an existing props object to a different color scheme from the active theme palette. This hook is particularly useful for creating responsive designs that adapt to user preferences for different color schemes.


import { useColorScheme } from "pearl-ui";

Return value#

The useColorScheme hook returns the same style props object passed into it, but with the primary color palette replaced with the desired color scheme (e.g., secondary, accent, etc.)


By default, all components use the primary color scheme. However, you may need to use a different set of colors in certain cases (e.g., secondary/accent color buttons). For simple atomic components, changing the color scheme is as easy as overriding the desired properties of the component using style props. For complex molecular components, the useColorScheme hook simplifies this process.

For instance, consider the following style props object returned by a useMolecularComponentConfig hook:

const componentConfig = {  icon: {    color: "primary.200",    size: "m",  },  root: {    alignItems: "center",    backgroundColor: "transparent",    borderColor: "primary.500",    borderRadius: "m",    borderWidth: 2,    justifyContent: "center",    margin: "2xs",    px: "s",    py: "s",    style: {      display: "flex",    },  },  spinner: {    color: "primary.300",    size: "m",  },  text: {    color: "primary.500",    variant: "btn2",  },};

To switch the color scheme from primary to secondary, you can use the useColorScheme hook as follows:

const secondaryComponentConfig = useColorScheme("secondary", componentConfig);

The secondaryComponentConfig then has the following value:

{  icon: {    color: "secondary.200",    size: "m",  },  root: {    alignItems: "center",    backgroundColor: "transparent",    borderColor: "secondary.500",    borderRadius: "m",    borderWidth: 2,    justifyContent: "center",    margin: "2xs",    px: "s",    py: "s",    style: {      display: "flex",    },  },  spinner: {    color: "secondary.300",    size: "m",  },  text: {    color: "secondary.500",    variant: "btn2",  },};


targetColorSchemeYesPearlTheme['palette'] Name of the target color scheme
propsYesobjectStyle props object