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The useMotiWithStyleProps is a powerful custom hook provided by Pearl UI, designed to transform Moti configurations written using style props into a format suitable for creating dynamic animations in your React Native components.

This hook accepts a props object as an argument, which should contain the desired animation properties. It then processes these properties and generates an animation object. This object can be seamlessly integrated into any React Native component to bring it to life with animations.

The following are the Moti props that useMotiWithStyleProps can process:

  • from: This prop is used to set the initial state of the animation.
  • to: This prop is used to set the final state of the animation.
  • transition: This prop allows you to specify the type of transition for the animation.
  • exitTransition: This prop lets you define the type of transition that occurs when the component unmounts. By default, exit uses transition to configure its animations, so this prop is not required. However, if you pass exitTransition, it will override transition for exit animations.
  • state: This prop is used to define the state of the animation, which includes the from and to states.
  • delay: This prop is used to manage the delay for the animate field. (Use the transition prop for more granular control).
  • onDidAnimate: This prop is used to define a callback function called after finishing an animation.
  • stylePriority: This prop is used to control which animation style takes precedent.
  • animateInitialState: This prop is used to set the from prop to animate.


import { useMotiWithStyleProps } from "pearl-ui";

Return Value#

useMotiWithStyleProps returns an object of animated props that can be spread into any React Native component to apply the animations.


Here's an example of how to use these props in a component with some style props:

import { colorStyleFunction, borderStyleFunction } from "pearl-ui";import { MotiView } from "moti";
const AnimatedComponent = () => {  const animationProps = useMotiWithStyleProps(    {      from: { opacity: 0, backgroundColor: "neutral.100", borderRadius: "l" },      to: { opacity: 1, backgroundColor: "primary.500", borderRadius: "m" },      transition: { type: "timing" },    },    [colorStyleFunction, borderStyleFunction]  );
  return <MotiView {...animationProps} />;};


The useMotiWithStyleProps hook accepts two parameters:

propsYesobjectAn object containing the Moti props.
styleFunctionsYesArray of Style FunctionsAn array of style functions.

The props object should include the following properties:

fromNoobjectAn object defining the initial state of the animation.
toNoobjectAn object defining the final state of the animation.
transitionNoobjectAn object specifying the type of transition for the animation.
exitTransitionNoobjectAn object defining the type of transition that occurs when the component unmounts.
stateNoobjectAn object defining the state of the animation, which includes the from and to states.